Monday, June 13, 2016

Courageous Faith

Faith is part of the six-folds.

Without faith, I am nothing.  I have faith in God.  I have faith in Jesus Christ.  I have faith in my husband, and often put faith in my job and other members of my family.  I have to admit, though, it's really hard to have faith in this world. In fact, sometimes I fear this world and what it has become.   As a mother, it scares me to the point that I want to be an overprotective Mama Bear and wrap my kids in bubble wrap.

It scares me to think in a world that teaches tolerance, that my children will grow up in a world where shades of gray are okay, and no, I'm not talking about some movie or book.  There are things in this world that are black or white, right or wrong, and as a Godly woman, it is my job to teach those things to my children. 

But, let's talk about the other side of this.  Judgment.  See, Christians spew so much judgment that it is seldom seen in the eyes of love.  Many are too busy showing what they are against, that no one knows what they are for.  Being a Christian should not and does not equal hate.  Yes, Jesus got angry and flipped the tables at the synagogue.  But, the Jesus that I read about spent more time with the sinners than He did with the "church folk".

I am reminded of this story.  Jesus was sitting, teaching, like He is often found doing in the New Testament, when the scribes and Pharisees (church "leaders" back in the day), brought a woman to Him.  This woman had committed adultery and, under the law at that time, was to be stoned to death.  According to John 8:6, the scribes and Pharisees brought her to Jesus, in order to tempt Him.  The NIV version says that they were using her "as a trap", so that they could bring accusations against Jesus.  They want to provoke Him enough, that He would condemn her and judge her.  Jesus, as the Son of God, probably could have.  But, instead, He wrote in the sand.  No one really knew what He wrote, but He said "You who is without sin be the first to cast a stone".  One by one, the crowd dropped their stones and walked away.  They didn't condemn her, neither did Jesus.  Jesus showed love, and He loved radically.

So, in this world, I can teach my children right and wrong, but I can also teach them to authentically love people.  And, maybe through courageous faith and walking in His grace, we--my children, You, me--We will all find this world a little less fearful.

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