If you didn't already know this about me, I am a Type-A personality. I'm a little bit of a perfectionist and like to do things right, and right the first time. I am also a multi-tasker. That being said, I was far from perfect this week. I was actually pretty stressed this week because of other things going on in my life. I was trying to be all, do all for everyone and it just wasn't happening. I do things with all my heart and sometimes it gets the best of me. So, at the end of Prayfit Week One, I have to say that it's doable, but you don't need to do it alone.
For example, as a teacher, one of the best things that happened to me was getting to work with another teacher with a totally different personality than mine. She was much more laid back and balanced my need-to-get-everything-done-yesterday mentality. It was a perfect balance.
This week, my balance has been in my husband. He is currently on the Prayfit diet with me, as well as an overall desire to live a healthier lifestyle. We even started going to Kickboxing class together! If you are desiring or in the middle of a healthy lifestyle change yourself, I encourage you to find someone to motivate and encourage you. You can do it alone, but you don't need to.
Here's a breakdown of the week:
Pros and Cons:
I've been measuring and weighing. So far, inch-wise is about the same, but I've lost 6 pounds!! That's my pro- for this week!
If you're thinking about Prayfit, one con is the cost. Having bought my food for week two, I have to say that my family of four is spending about $50-$100 more than we normally do for groceries. So, that's something to weigh in, if you're considering it. However, my weight loss is comparable to a time when I purchased expensive health-care products to help in weight loss--so if you're comparing, it may be worth it!
Workout Schedules:
I workout about 4 days per week (one hour each of the four days): 3 hours of REFIT® and 1 hour of Kickboxing.
Food Intake:
We've been following the Prayfit Menu. Some of it has been very tasty. There was only one dish that I couldn't eat: a tuna and olive wrap with greek yogurt. The breakfast fruit salad pictured below was both my husband and my favorite!