Thursday, January 3, 2019

Recovering Perfectionist

I sit here on the verge of midnight.  It's not that I can't sleep.  Well, it might be.  But, it's more or less the fact that I don't do laundry like my mom taught me.  As a result, I'm waiting up on a school night for the washing machine to finish, because I may or may not have ruined a hoodie I just bought my daughter.

I'm a perfectionist.  Well, maybe not with laundry, but with everything else.

I decided to return to working out full strength in 2019 and even joined a fitness challenge.  Not the typical Pinterest-inspired ones that everyone posts on social media, but one led by a personal trainer.

Today was first day back to work after winter break.  I'm exhausted.  Teacher-exhausted, mom-exhausted, every-which-way-exhausted. 

But, I had to get my workout in.  And, then there was laundry to be done and dishes to be washed.  And, it goes on.

This is why I am awake, closing in on midnight, calling on all self-control to not go get a cup of coffee.  Truth.

But, God.

Those two words mean so much, don't they?  Whatever your circumstances, add the words "but God" to the end of it and see how it changes perspectives around.

For the last two years, I've done the "word for the year" thing, praying that God would give me a focus for personal growth each year.  Last year, it was "be still".  This year my word is "simplicity".

I actually fought this word at first.  The idea of "being simple" is sometimes associated with stupidity.  But, every time I would kick it back, I'd receive a confirmation, whether in an ad for a book or a post on social media.

So, I believe God is telling me to be simple.  If you're a too-busy-all-the-time perfectionist like me, maybe you can take this advice too.

1.  Don't overthink things.
2.  Pray
3.  Trust God
4.  Don't be so busy all the time.
5.  You can say no.
6.  Don't stress the small stuff
7.  You don't have to be perfect

There's a story in the Bible that speaks of two women whom Jesus comes to meet.  One woman busies herself with taking care of Jesus, cleaning the house, and so on.  The other woman sits at Jesus' feet.  Which of these did Jesus prefer?   The one who chose to sit with him a while.

"And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41-42

It's simple, but profound, right? Be simple, take time to sit at Jesus' feet.

After looking for more on the idea of simplicity, I stumbled upon these quotes as well:

"Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

" Find beauty in simplicity."

"Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance." ~Coco Chanel

"Out of the clutter, find simplicity.
From discord, find harmony.
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." ~Albert Einstein

"Be clear on what matters, and get rid of everything else."

"Our life is frittered away by detail.  Simplify.  Simplify." ~Henry David Thoreau

"Simplicity is about greater appreciation for the things that really matter."

I will wait for the laundry to finish to see if I've saved my daughter's hoodie. 

Because I'm a perfectionist.

But, I'm a recovering perfectionist.

Sorry about the laundry, though, Mom.