The other day, my husband misheard something I said as, “I’ll love you a little.” He replied, “I hope you’ll love me a lifetime.”
It reminded me of the children’s book, Love You Forever by Robert Munsch:
“I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be.”
Yet, the more I thought about my husband’s sweet words, the more I thought about my Savior. One dark, sweet day, over 2,000 years ago, Jesus spread His arms out wide and said:
You who have turned your back on me, I’m doing this for you.
You who have been wronged and do wrong in return, I’m doing this for you.
You who are broken, I’m doing this for you.
You who are sick and don’t know where to turn, I’m doing this for you.
You who feel unloved, I’m doing this for you.
You and you period. No matter your circumstances. I’m doing this for you. I stretch my arms wide on this cross and sacrifice for you because I’ll love you a lifetime.
One day, Jesus will once again stretch those arms wide and welcome us home. He will do so in love and give us a new life, an eternal one, where He will say, I’ll love you a lifetime.
And, how sweet it will be to be loved for a lifetime, eternally, by the One who gave us life.