Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Losing (and regaining) focus

Ever had one of those days where you feel as if you're in a funk?  Well, I've had one of those days.  In fact, for me, a day has turned into weeks and even months.  And, I'm not just talking about funky, as in, "hey, you're kinda cool".  Nope, funk.... as in "I don't feel like myself".

Here's the thing:  nothing has drastically changed.  So what if I haven't written in a while for this blog? Not a big deal, right?  Well, here IS a big deal... ready for it? I'm about to drop the mic here and not in a good way.

In the same sense that I haven't written in a while, I haven't read in a while either.  Except for church days, I haven't opened  my bible either.  If you're reading this and you're in the same boat, you may want to hear something like "It's okay. Life gets busy. God will understand."

While I am in no way in a place to tell you what God Almighty will and won't understand, I can only speak about myself.  So, here it goes:

I prayed for God to reveal to me why I felt like I was in such a funk, even though nothing in my life had really happened (no big changes, etc.). Here's what I believe to be His answer that I feel compelled to share with you: "Julie, you've lost your focus."

I can count the number of times that I've felt I've heard God speaking to me.  Most of the time, I just feel a gentle guidance, a loving push.  Sometimes, like in this case, it seems to slap me across the face, as a loving father would discipline His children (okay, not literally, but you get the idea).


So, I lost my focus.  Regardless if it was only for a few weeks, I took my eye off of the prize. I took my eye off of Jesus.  I let life get in the way and run me, instead of  allowing God to run my life.  Did I lose my salvation? No.  But, I wasn't focused on the One who truly matters.

It reminds me of the church in Ephesus (Revelation 2), who had lost its first love.  The Ephesians lost their zeal for God, therefore falling prey to false teachings.  Do I feel I was in danger of that? Maybe. Maybe not.  But, I feel that God is choosing now for this particular experience to be shared with those who are willing.

As before, I can only speak for myself.  But, if this resonates with you as it does with me, I encourage you to look up, to stand your ground, and not lose your focus.  The Bible also says that it's the little foxes that destroy the vine.  So, do not let everyday business (or insert your situation here) slowly draw you away from Jesus.

Father God,
I come to you in Jesus name, asking forgiveness for my sins.  Forgive me for losing focus on You.  God speak to the one who reads and listens to this now.  Help us both to stay focused on You.  God, guide us and protect us.  Help us be the light, be salt to this Earth.  Help us to focus on You, so we can point others to You.
In Jesus Name I pray,