Tuesday, January 31, 2017

I am nothing

I lie here tonight humbled by the fact that I am nothing.  You may think that this is some sort of pity party.  You don't want to read on, right? Pity, party of one... um, no thank you.  But, I dare you to read on to find that it's not pity, but rather an all-consuming humbling knowledge that I am nothing without the One who created me.

No, I'm not talking about my parents.  I was created in the image of God.  I read recently that the same God who made the mountains, the lakes, the world, looked down on Earth and decided it needed one of me too... that it needed one of you too!

Wow! It takes your breath away, doesn't it? The Master of the Universe (no, it's not He-man) looked at the universe and chose me!  He chose you too!

In fact, one of the most quoted scriptures says that "God so loved the world that He sent His Son" (John 3:16).  So, He created us. Then, He saw we needed grace and needed saving. So, He sent His son for us.... to die for us so that we can live for Him.

Are you still reading?  That's not a pity party at all!  It's a realization of "who am I?"  Who am I that He would die for me? Who am I that He would  bear my sins?  My crazy self-centered sins!

Often, I hear myself telling fitness class participants that they are enough.  When in fact, I'm not sure that's true.  You see, we aren't enough on our own. We need people in our lives saying 'I love you'. We need friends who say, 'You've got this!'  But, most importantly, we need God saying "you're mine", "choose Me", "love Me", "let Me hold you under My wing".

I also hear myself say "you're worth it".  But, we aren't. At least not on our own.  We are only worth it when Christ makes us worthy and covers us with His blood, His sacrifice, His atonement

So, I admit that I am nothing.  I don't want to waste one more second thinking I can do it alone, that I can live, work, love, (insert your verb here) without God, His Son, and His Spirit.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Let me be one

I had been asked when I would do another blog post.  I don't have a big following, but if I impact just one, it will be worth it.  In Luke, Jesus talks about leaving 99 to go after one.

 “If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them wanders away, what will he do? Won’t he leave the ninety-nine others on the hills and go out to search for the one that is lost?  And if he finds it, I tell you the truth, he will rejoice over it more than over the ninety-nine that didn’t wander away!  In the same way, it is not my heavenly Father’s will that even one of these little ones should perish.Matthew: 18:12-14 (NLT)

So, every one matters. Everyone matters.

Why don't you read that again?

Every one matters.
Everyone matters.

The reason for my delayed post is simply this: it seems that we-society as a whole-have forgotten this simple concept.  Just as the shepherd of a flock of 100 would go after one missing sheep, every one of us matters.  Just as Jesus would have died on the cross for just you (or I), every one matters.

Why can't we see this?  It seems that we are quick to bring accusations against each other.  But, I don't believe that we should fight fire with fire.  You know what fire brings? More fire.

Instead, when fire is brought to us and when conflict slaps us in the face, why can we not turn it over to that One who matters most?  If you're anything like me, you might be quick to accept hurt.  You might be quick to want to act out negatively when hurt.  It's only human nature, right?

Well, I believe we shouldn't fight fire with fire.  The expression fire with fire means that we are treating people the same way that we are treated.  Really? You were disgraced and met with hatred, so that's what you'll return instead?  Stop being a mirror of hatred.  Don't be a mirror at all.  A mirror reflects the same thing that it's shown.  Instead, be transparent.  It's okay to let stuff go through you, because that means that it goes out of you.  It's okay to be transparent because, hopefully, they might see Christ through you.

I believe that we should fight human nature with God's grace.  I don't want to be the one that when the day is done and the sheep are counted, I'm still lost.  I also don't want to be a vicious, vindictive sheep that is causing others to stray.  I've blogged before about the effect that people have on other people (the ripple effect).  I want my ripple to be positive.  I want my ripple to be Christ-like.

The next time that I don't see eye to eye with someone, or I am met with distaste, disgrace, or conflict.  I will accept it transparently, whether it is true or not (that last part is hard to swallow, isn't it).  Let me be one that faces life's obstacles with a transparent and open heart, in hopes that those that matter (and that's every one) will be able to see love and see Him.

Let me be one.

Monday, January 16, 2017


In the REFIT® community, many are encouraging one another to choose one word and stick with it for the year. While it may seem like simply a resolution, it is not.  The Bible says that your words have power to speak life or speak death.

My word for 2017 is "move".  I don't want to become lukewarm, complacent, or plateau.  Not in my fitness journey, not spiritually, not in any area of my life.  As a Christian, I believe that life is important and valued.  Every moment matters.  That moment that you are doing household chores? It matters.  Even that.

You see the God that made you, the God that knows every hair on your head (even the ones lost).  He created you for purpose!  Your purpose, above all else, is glorify the Father in Heaven.

I, for one, do not wish to waist one of those moments not moving toward the mark.  I want to be like Isaiah when he said "Here I am, send me".

So, I am going to keep on moving. I'm going to keep pressing towards Jesus.  One definition of move is to "shift one's ground".  When the ground is shifting, it's often human nature to hold on, to stay put.  But, that's not what God has called us to, nor what we were created for.  We were created for movement.  We were created with purpose, and to have a purpose.

As a REFIT® fitness instructor, I've come to realize just how much our bodies can move.  But, God isn't just calling us to move physically, although taking care of ourselves is important.  God wants ALL OF US.  He wants us moving spiritually and emotionally.  He is calling us to make an impact on a world that so desperately needs Him.

So, I would encourage you to move.  

Move physically:  Get fit.  Start eating healthier. Exercise.  Our bodies are dwelling places of God's spirit and he desires us to keep his temple holy and clean.

Move emotionally.  Maybe there are things you need to say to someone you love.  Maybe there are relationships you need to begin or end.

Move spiritually.  God is calling you to worship.  He's calling you to be His.

I've found that I can either move myself, or someone will move me.  The Bible says that everything that has breath praises the Lord.  If not, a rock will cry out in their place.  

So, how about it friend? It may take courage.  It may be painful but MOVE.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Authentic Love

I have never taken the word love lightly.  To me, it comes with commitment, and, oftentimes, a sacrifice.  You sacrifice your time when you love someone, along with many other things.

Have you every loved or been in love so deeply that people don't believe?  Maybe you've heard the skepticism that you're only looking through rose-colored glasses.  Maybe you've had someone try to prove that you're love wasn't as real, or authentic, as you had originally thought.  Well, guess what? This happened to Jesus too.

In the Bible, Jesus was the epitome of authentic love.  He showed a perfect love.  So, a bunch of people came along and decided to try to test him, to cause him to falter.  John 8:6 says that they did this to tempt Him, so that they in turn could bring accusations against Him.

So, they brought a woman before him.  This woman was an adulteress.  You're probably familiar with the story, but Jesus didn't bring accusations against her.  In fact, He who was THE sin-less One, was the only one who didn't condemn her.  You see, His love was and is authentic.

She wasn't perfect.  He loved her.
She wasn't without blame.  He loved her.

You aren't perfect. He loves you.
You aren't without blame.  He loves you.

Having an authentic love does mean that we love beyond what the eyes can see. It means that we choose to put on the rose-colored glasses and see the good in people.  Then, we choose to speak the good about people.  Proverbs 18:21 tells us that our words have life.  But, our words have death as well.  So, speak life.

So, when you and I decide that we want to love people, to truly love people authentically, we are going to pull down walls, put on our rose-colored glassed, and truly meet people where they are.

Only then can we experience an authentic love.

So, go ahead, put on those rose-colored glasses and truly see people.  Maybe you won't be so quick to notice the flaws, but those perfectly imperfect people.

I'm putting on my rose-colored glasses. I see you.  You are loved.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Living outside of your comfort zone

For those that have been following my fitness journey, allow me to address that first.  I've never really been overweight, but I've always been unhealthy and unfit.  Skinny doesn't equal healthy. Currently, my husband and I are on an egg diet.  Today was a STRUGGLE and I did succumb to a chocolate muffin at work today.  It's okay...I can admit my flaws.

I also teach a dance fitness class called REFIT®.  There, the word "flawesome" is used.  By definition, it's basically admitting your flaws, but still realizing that you can be awesome in your perfectly un-perfect self.

Okay, maybe those aren't real words, but you get the idea.

Since the New Year, fitness-wise I feel better because I'm eating better.  My first week, I was down 6 pounds, only to have "maintained" that since, meaning I haven't lost any more.  (I'm only on week two.)

So, we've learned so far that I'm not perfect and I have flaws.  Shew (sigh of relief), I'm glad we got that out of the way.

When I was growing up, I was extremely shy.  My parents tell stories of how I would answer the telephone and not even say hello.  I was voted "Most Bashful" out of my senior high school class. My mom would say, "Julie, if you want to teach, you have to learn to talk to people."

Lucky for me, eventually, I did.  Yet, there are still times when people have thought that I was stuck-up or rude, only to find out the truth.

Then, there is this area of fitness.  How did this quiet girl become a fitness instructor?  A dance fitness instructor, at that.  I lead class and find myself thinking, "Who is this person?"  This same girl was a wallflower in high school.  This same girl hated physical education in high school and skipped wellness classes in college.  Yep, I was perfectly okay with a C in wellness.

There have been multiple times in my life where I feel that God has led me out my comfort zone.  It's not easy.

It reminds me of the story of Paul in the Bible.  Before Paul became a Christian, he was known as Saul.  Do you know what Saul did?  He persecuted and killed Christians!  Imagine the comfort zone that he would have to step out of to be able to minister to the people that he once condemned.

But, God was doing something in Saul.  He knew that Saul needed a rebirth, even to the point of giving him a new name!  He went on to scribe a great portion of the New Testament.

So, God can do great things when you step out of your comfort zone!  He will do great things anyway...but don't you want to be a part of that?!

What happened when I stepped out of my comfort zone?  I found myself living outside of my comfort zone, because the walls came down.  When those walls came down, I was free to love people, to truly love people just as they are. And, that is the authentic type of love that can only be given by knowing Christ Jesus.

Am I perfect? No
Do I make mistakes? Yes
Did I eat that chocolate muffin?  I did, indeed.
Will I do my best to love you as Christ does?  With all my heart.

So, what about it, friend? Dear reader.  What is holding you back from living outside of your comfort zone?

Friday, January 6, 2017

Be a Ripple

One of my all-time favorite movies is It's a Wonderful Life.  Every Christmas, I sit down and watch it. Every time, I cry.  You're probably familiar with it, but here's the basic synopsis.  A man name George Bailey falls on hard times and wishes that he never existed and wants to end his own life.  He comes across a guardian angel who shows him what life would be like, were he not born.  George is given the gift to see the impact that he made on so many others.  He truly finds that he's had a wonderful life after all.

Today, I found myself posting on social media about my fitness journey.  Though I don't do it to be noticed (I actually do it to help keep me accountable-much like this blog), I received various likes and comments of encouragement.

So, that got me thinking about the ripple effect.    You know what it is.  Literally, if you throw a rock into water, it creates ripples.  Socially, it's how one person can impact so many others.  So, here's my question to you.  What is your ripple effect?  When people look at your life [my life], what do they see?  Oftentimes, it's not the picture perfect image that you've created for yourself.

But, people are looking and are being affected by your ripple.  So, don't give up.  Keep growing stronger.  Ignore the criticism, or better yet, learn from it.  

I've had positive comments told to me about my life and how it encourages others.  But, I don't want my ripple to be about me.  Not at all.  Which is often hard to defer because I consider myself very intelligent and confident.  I desire to be humble.  I desire for when people see me, that they don't really see me at all.  I want to be like Philippians 3:8:

I consider everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.

I don't want people to see me, only that they see Jesus through me.  That would be my desire for my ripple effect.

Does it always happen?  Of course not.  But, I can't stop trying.  Neither can you.  So, what are you waiting for?  What's tugging at your heart?  Go ahead!  Step out on faith.  Be a ripple.  You never know who is watching.  You might come to know your impact.  You, too, just might find out that you have a wonderful life after all.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Blend over Balance

I'm one of those people that like to have everything "just so".  I'll lay in bed at night and think of things I may have left undone.  I love people.  I like solving problems and hate conflict.  That being said, today started out crazy!  I overslept for work.  I NEVER do this.  And, when I say that I overslept, I mean that I woke up at the time that I usually LEAVE for work!  So, as we rush to get all of us ready, we end up leaving within 20-25 minutes.   Then, the gas light comes on.  It turned out to be a great day.  I even laughed till I cried today.

So, when life doesn't go the way that it's cleverly outlined in your agenda, guess what?  Sit down. Get ready for this.  Just breathe.  Everything will be okay.  Life goes on.  I often look in the mirror when I say things like this.

My not-so-perfect morning reminds of the story of the Proverbs 31 woman.  Basing my entire fitness journey on this desire to be a better version of myself, I've studied the Proverbs 31 woman multiple times.  I mean how does she do it?  She's not a working mom.  She's not a stay at home mom.  She's not a financial guru.  She's not a hard worker.  She's not a planner.  She's ALL OF THAT.  And more.

Trying to live up to that and, even more importantly, to be like Jesus can be utterly exhausting.  (It's a good thing that we have grace and mercy!)  At REFIT®, I often hear myself talking about how it's okay to be there, how it's okay to take time for yourself.  But, get this, I don't always live up to what I preach.  I often find myself swimming in guilt as I take care of me.  I often feel selfish.

So, how do you and I balance everything in life, like the Proverbs 31 woman?  She was a master of multi-tasking.  At my training for REFIT®, I remember hearing balance like this.  Forget balance. When you balance everything, something will eventually fall.  A balance tips, right?   It's best to live a blended life.  Blend over balance.

It's perfectly normal for things in your life to go into one another.  Remember that crazy-organized lady that I said I was at the beginning of this?  Well, she has a problem doing this.  I was the girl who didn't even like the food on my plate to touch one another.

That moment that you're running late and you almost run out of gas?  It's okay.

That moment you lose your cool in front of your spouse or children?  It's okay (Ask for forgiveness, but it'll be okay!)

That moment your mashed potatoes touch your peas?  It's okay. (Well, if you like peas, it is!)

That moment that you decide to start taking care of yourself?  It's okay.  (You cannot take care of others first.)  You need you to do what you do.

You are worth it.

You are valued.
You are needed.



Today was day 3 of my fitness journey.  Here's my accomplishments in a nutshell:  I said no to a room full of chocolate!  (It's true; it was part of a lesson.)  And, I've lost 4 pounds!  It's  not about numbers, though.  It's about mindset.  Saying no is hard.  But, we'll save that topic for another day....

Be Blessed


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

A new start...again

I did it!  Like many others before and many cliches, I am starting over.  Again.  To say my fitness routine has been lackluster would be an understatement.  Same goes for my blogging.

So, here I am trying it all again...full swing, all hands on deck, and every other idiom you can think of!  Want to know what else I did?  I gained my weight back...all of it.

If you had been following my blogs, you know that I began a fitness in an attempt to become a better me.  This was done after losing my grandmother to cancer.  While I do feel that I've grown in so many ways (we won't talk about that dreaded number on a scale), my fitness journey has been lackluster lately.

I'm not sure what really happened.  I guess life just got in the way of life.

I'm still teaching REFIT® but my overall personal fitness and eating habits have gone down the drain.  So, in an attempt to fix that, I'm going to get back on the wagon (let's see how many idioms I can use?).  To hold myself accountable, I'll be blogging about it and I hope that you can join me in this new-but not so new-adventure.

Today is day one!  My husband and I are doing a cleansing diet for two weeks.  If you're like me, you truly enjoyed the holidays. And, I think you know what I mean.

So, today is my day one.  Is today your day one too?  Or maybe you're like Groundhog Day, reliving the same day over and over?  Every day is day one, because each day you fail.

Well, here's the good news for you and I.  We can find strength and comfort in our Heavenly father.

My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart.  He is mine forever. ~Proverbs 73:26 (NLT)

Until Tomorrow-