No, I'm not talking about my parents. I was created in the image of God. I read recently that the same God who made the mountains, the lakes, the world, looked down on Earth and decided it needed one of me too... that it needed one of you too!
Wow! It takes your breath away, doesn't it? The Master of the Universe (no, it's not He-man) looked at the universe and chose me! He chose you too!
In fact, one of the most quoted scriptures says that "God so loved the world that He sent His Son" (John 3:16). So, He created us. Then, He saw we needed grace and needed saving. So, He sent His son for us.... to die for us so that we can live for Him.
Are you still reading? That's not a pity party at all! It's a realization of "who am I?" Who am I that He would die for me? Who am I that He would bear my sins? My crazy self-centered sins!
Often, I hear myself telling fitness class participants that they are enough. When in fact, I'm not sure that's true. You see, we aren't enough on our own. We need people in our lives saying 'I love you'. We need friends who say, 'You've got this!' But, most importantly, we need God saying "you're mine", "choose Me", "love Me", "let Me hold you under My wing".
I also hear myself say "you're worth it". But, we aren't. At least not on our own. We are only worth it when Christ makes us worthy and covers us with His blood, His sacrifice, His atonement
So, I admit that I am nothing. I don't want to waste one more second thinking I can do it alone, that I can live, work, love, (insert your verb here) without God, His Son, and His Spirit.